Highline Customer Service

If you're new to the area and need to locate your water service provider, check out our Water Provider App.
Our friendly Customer Service representatives are here to help you with all of your water service needs between the hours of 7AM and 4PM Monday thru Friday
Need help outside of business hours? Access your Highline Water District account, pay your bill online, print current and past receipts and keep your account up to date with our online account management system.

Here to helpWe are
here to help with any of water service needs at 206-824-0375.
Having trouble paying your bill during the
Covid 19 crisis?
Please read our delinquent Account Payment Plan.
Please read our delinquent Account Payment Plan.

Pay your billOnline, In Person, by
mail or by phone, we offer many flexible payment options for
your convenience.

Have an after hours water
service emergency?Report water service emergencies promptly,
call 206-824-0375 and follow prompts to reach our on-call

Before you
digAccidentally breaking a line can be costly for you. Save
the headache, schedule a locate service by calling
Lowering your water costs

Conservation There
are many ways to conserve water. Most ways are free or inexpensive.
Even those that cost you money initially will pay for themselves
with utility savings in just a few years. Ways to

Incentives Utilities
participating in the Saving Water Partnership offer financial
incentives for Owners/Managers of Apartments and Condos, Industrial
& Commercial Customers, and Residential Customers

Learn To Shut Off Your
Meter Watch our short Video. How to check your meter or view instructions
as a printable